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Grants & Programs: SEL Scholarships

The St. Louis County Family Services Collaborative brings service systems together to coordinate and integrate resources and services for children, youth, and families.


SLCFSC believes employees that work with children should have an opportunity to expand their social emotional learning (SEL) knowledge.  SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, establish and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.


We are offering registration scholarships to individuals to attend an SEL training.  Registration scholarships are available on a first come, first served basis to individuals that meet the criteria below:

Works for an agency in St. Louis County and services SLC resident or is a resident of SLC    
Has not already received a scholarship from SLCFSC for the current calendar year.


Only five people from an agency* may use scholarships.       
Scholarships awarded will be no greater than the registration cost ($1,000 max.) and will be paid after the training as a reimbursement.  Other costs associated with the training will be the responsibility of an agency or individual.  The Collaborative believes that sharing the costs assists in building an inclusive network.  


If awarded, someone from the Collaborative will contact you with more details.  


* The Board may review a request for more scholarships from a large agency that has many employees.

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